Saturday, February 18, 2012

Acronyms and Glossary

It has been accounted that the addition of datalink into the airline industry originated as allotment of a challenge to see how abounding acronyms could be developed about a specific technology. Whether this is accurate or not, the industry is at the point area acronyms are now nested aural acronyms. For example, AOA is an acronym for ACARS Over AVLC, area AVLC itself is an acronym for Aviation VHF Link Control and VHF is aswell an acronym for Very Top Frequency.


Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System


Aircraft Condition Monitoring System


ACARS Message Security, as authentic in ARINC 823


ACARS Over AVLC. With the addition of VDL Mode 2, the ACARS protocols were adapted to yield advantage of the college abstracts bulk fabricated accessible by Mode 2. AOA is an acting footfall in replacing the ACARS protocols with ATN protocols.


Aeriform Telecommunications Network. As air cartage increases, ACARS will no best accept the accommodation or adaptability to handle the ample bulk of datalink communications. ATN is planned to alter ACARS in the approaching and will accommodate casework such as authentication, security, and a accurate internetworking architecture. Europe is arch the US in the accomplishing of ATN.


Aviation VHF Link Control. A accurate agreement acclimated for aeriform datalink communications.


Control Affectation Unit


Communications Management Function. The software that runs in a CMU, and sometimes as a software allotment in an chip avionics computer.


Communications Management Unit. Successor to the MU, the CMU performs agnate datalink acquisition functions, but has added accommodation to abutment added functions. CMU standards are authentic in ARINC Characteristic 758.


Flight Abstracts Acquisition and Management System


Flight Management System. FMS standards are authentic in ARINC Characteristic 702 and 702A.


Top Frequency Abstracts Link is an ACARS communications media acclimated to barter abstracts such as Airline Operational Control (AOC) messages, Controller Pilot Abstracts Link Communication (CPDLC) letters and Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) letters amid aircraft end-systems and agnate ground-based HFDL arena stations.


Top Frequency. A allocation of the RF spectrum.


Band Replaceable Unit. An avionics "black box" that can be replaced on the flight line, after downing the aircraft for maintenance.


Multifunction Control Affectation Unit. A text-only accessory that displays letters to the aircrew and accepts aggregation ascribe on an chip keyboard. MCDU standards are authentic in ARINC Characteristic 739. MCDUs accept seven ascribe ports and can be acclimated with seven altered systems, such as CMU or FMS. Each arrangement affiliated to an MCDU generates its own affectation pages and accepts keyboard input, if it is called as the arrangement authoritative the MCDU.


Multi-Input Interactive Affectation Assemblage (often acclimated as a third cockpit CDU).


Management Unit. Generally referred to as the ACARS MU, this is an avionics LRU that routes datalink letters to and from the ground.


Shorthand for the basal flight phases—Out of the gate, Off the ground, On the ground, In the gate.


Plain Old ACARS. Refers to the set of ACARS communications protocols in aftereffect afore the addition of VDL Mode 2. The appellation is acquired from POTS (Plain old blast service) that refers to the active analog blast network.


Digital Communications. Airborne SATCOM accessories includes a digital abstracts unit, top ability amplifier, and an antenna with a steerable beam. A archetypal SATCOM accession can abutment a datalink approach as able-bodied as several articulation channels.


VHF Abstracts Link


Very Top Frequency. A allocation of the RF spectrum, authentic as 30 MHz to 300 MHz.

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